Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 15- Mint Oreo shakes make everything better!

Sat. March 15
I am very pleased to report that all the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean.  For some reason the last couple of months I feel like I have been trying to catch up on the dishes everyday and getting nowhere.  Awhile back I made a commitment to keep my closet clean and it seems my mess had to express itself somewhere; hence, the kitchen problem I suppose.  But it is clean at this moment and that makes me feel good. 

I would say my feeling of the day is worn out.  I feel pretty beat.  Blake has been working longer hours now that his boss is gone and most of the stuff at home has been up to me.  I have had several nights of putting the kids to bed without him and it is tiring.  Plus several nights of Collin needed help after having an accident in bed makes me even more tired.  And to top it off, we all caught the same cold.  I don’t think we’ve ever all had the same thing all at the same time.  Ug.  That is how it makes me feel.  This morning I really just wanted to be left alone.  But as a mother that is impossible.  Blake went to play basketball and I thought he was taking a long time to get back home.  I started getting a little perturbed. And then he calls to tell me he saw that only 2 people had showed up to clean the entire church building so he had stayed to help them. Certainly can’t get mad about that!  What a good catch I have. 

Some highlights of the day:
#1Reading a book.  Yes.  I got to read a book and it wasn’t too long or involved so I didn’t feel completed addicted to the book and annoyed with people who need me.  “The Cay” is a great quick read and I think Blake is going to read it with Collin next.
#2 The Ice Cream Truck.  The worst or the best sound.  Today it was the best because I decided to get Collin a treat and he was so excited!  He ate some mac and cheese that even I thought tasted bad and did it without complaining.  So, we splurged.  We waited and waited and finally saw the truck come around the corner.  Collin got shy at the last moment and hid behind me.  But we got a cookies and cream bar for him and daddy and then enjoyed a warm and sunny afternoon in our backyard eating our ice cream treats. 
#3 Watching Avind eat Spaghetti.  He loved it!  It was in his mouth, on his chest, in his hair- he was covered.  And he loved it.  In the bath later as I clean him up he found a noodle that had made it’s way to the tub with us and he promptly ate that one too.  :)
#4 Having Omi and Papa skype with Collin for an hour before bedtime while Blake was at Stake Conference.  Seriously, saved my evening.  So glad we have that tool!
#5 A mint oreo shake from CookOut from Blake as a “Thank you for staying home and putting the kids to bed” offering.   Like I said, good man.  :)

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