Thursday, November 27, 2014


I spent a good amount of time this year considering what it is that I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving.  There is much and I will not list it all, but there are a few things that have really stood out. 

The first thing is my little family.  There are many who are not blessed with a family.  Or they have a family but it is not currently a source of happiness.  But my little pod, I love them and they are the source of my happiness.  I love that our little boys are at the age when they just want to be with us.  There is no competition with peers or outside activities.  When we pick them up, all they want is to be with Mom and Dad.  I treasure that.  And I am so very grateful.  I know the time will come when the pull of other things will compete for our celebrity status.  But for now, they are ours.   Safe together in our little cozy home.  And I love being needed and wanted by them.  The best word I can think of to describe the feeling when I pick up the boys and get home and then Daddy gets home is sacred. 

I take more time with them at bedtime.  I lay with Collin for a bit and feel his little chest move up and down.  I let Avi pull my hand down to rub his belly as he fades off to sleep.  I relish in their need for me instead of so desperately needing to be alone with time to myself.  That change has been the best thing about working full-time.  I cherish my time with my boys.  It is difficult to miss out on so much of the day with them, but what I am missing in quantity I am doing my best to make up in quality.  So, tonight I a grateful for my Collin and Avind.

The second thing is my Blake.  We have faced many challenges together already in our marriage and one thing that does is minimize the small disagreements and annoyances.  We still have little things pop up, but we tend to get over them fairly quickly.  That skill has developed through the harder things and the bigger things.  I am very grateful for that.  Two nights ago we laid in bed together holding one another; we talked and laughed and teased and I realized how much I love to be with this man.  I don't just love him, I love to be with him.  He truly is my best friend. 

And lastly I am grateful for our modern conveniences.  We have a warm home even in -15 degrees.  We have light in the long dark winter months.  We have antibiotics to take care of Avind's ear infection.  We have indoor plumbing that takes our waste away and brings clean water.  We have warm showers and insulated walls; cars to get around and ovens and stoves and microwaves to cook in and on.  Things are clean and bright and smell good and feel good.  I am so grateful for these things we take for granted. 

I am rich! Oh, so very rich.

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