Sunday, September 28, 2014

Kiddo updates

I need to write a kiddo update!

  • Oh, my Collin!  He is getting to be so grown up.  He is very sweet with his mama- told me the other day, "I miss being together all day mom!"
  • He still loves pirates and often talks about his awesome pirate birthday party at the old house.  Sometimes he tells me he misses Virginia and misses going to the beach.  He also missed Lily.  He talks about her a lot. 
  • Collin is getting better incredible at problem solving. He plays really well with his friends and is good at playing pretend.  He has a great imagination and so verbal and can make conclusions about things much better than other kids his age. 
  •  He is excited that Blake is writing a book and helps him with ideas
  • He has missed his toys and has loved when I get out a new box with toys.  He will spend hours creating intricate battles and stories.  
  • I stay and lay by him sometimes at night and cuddle.  I love those moments. I miss him.  He has been my little buddy.  We actually probably get along better now because we have time to miss each other, but it is still so hard to be away from him all day.  For a few weeks it was really rough because our two or three hours together were battling over food and using the bathroom.  The last 2 weeks have improved drastically.  He will sometimes just out of the blue say, "I love you mom! You are the best mom in the world" and it makes me feel perfect.  :)
  • He is really confident when meeting other people.  Even adults.  He will see them and say, "Hi.  My name is Collin. What's your name?" and he does it in a clear, strong voice. 
  • He is doing better with food.  We went through a rough streak where he wouldn't eat anything that wasn't a hotdog or peanut butter and honey.  We were fed up and told him one night that he would have the food for breakfast unless he tried it.  So, he had it there for breakfast, lunch, and it wasn't until dinner that he finally gave in and ate it.  We did that twice.  It was miserable and I hated seeing him be hungry, but we made it, and now he will eat.  And I am grateful it has gotten better. 

  • This little baby is growing up quickly!  And he is such a little person now instead of a baby.  I still imagine how Collin was at this age and in a way it makes me miss Collin.  But I adore this age in kids and I am trying to soak it up.  Avind is definitely not the compliant little child that Collin was.  He can be downright defiant sometimes.  But then he is so sweet and dependent at the same time.  
  • He combines our names so often.  He just wants one of us to come save him from his crib.  He will yell, "Mamadada!" Or "MaDada!"  He still doesn't sleep well.  He is more often than not awake in the middle of the night.  
  • He was waking up a bunch a few weeks ago and had a fever.  I looked for new teeth but didn't see them.  But I hadn't looked in the back.  He was getting Molars before the other teeth.  I have never seen that.  Now he is getting another in front. 
  • This kiddo loves football- grabs Blake's hand and goes to the tv saying "fut-bal fut-bal" and then swings his arms back and forth and makes sound effects as he watches.  He is so cute about it!
  • He is talking!  A whole lot now.  He says, "baby" whenever he sees any picture of himself or collin as a baby, or any baby.  He can say a whole bunch of new words; ball, bat, no, mine, thank you, sorry, please, love you, go, omi, papa.  If fact, he tries to copy any word we ask him to.  
  • I love how he says, "buhbye!" and waves as you leave.  If he want's to get out of bed, he waves at a sleeping collin and desperately says "buhbye! buhbye"
  • He is doing really well with daycare.  It was rough for both of us the first two weeks, but I think it has been really good for him.  The teachers say that he is learning all of the kids' names and it cracks them up.  I think he really likes it there.  And for the first time he has peers his own age.  I love coming to see him at lunch time.  He is so happy to see me and runs over to me.  
  • We are a bit concerned about his right foot.  It is really turned in and you can really see it as he walks.  It is something I will need to get checked out soon.  He often trips on it.  
  • Sometimes he just kisses me over and over.  And his giggle is as contagous as ever.  He especially loves to laugh with Collin. 

We have had some fun family adventures since moving here. While the weather has been nice, we tried to get out and see some things.

  • Our first trip was up Hiyalite Canyon.  We hiked up Palasade Falls. It was so good to get out and to hike!
  • We hiked the M a couple of weeks ago.  It was really fun.  We did have to go up a fairly steep shale slope and I was on hands and feet with avi in the carrier.  He was dangling and thought is was hilarious.  He would especially giggle when my foot slipped!  I was a bit nervous, but we made it.  :)
  • The next week we went on Pete's hill and it was absolutely beautiful and wonderful to be out. It really is a beautiful place to live.
  • We had some friends invite us on a drive up to Fairy Lake.  Sure!  we said and followed them in their minivan.  Holy cow.  The road was terrible.  And I wasn't sure our car was going to come out unscathed.  Poor Collin was terrified.  He cried and screamed, "I don't want to die!  I'm scared!" I know it must have been scary.  heck, I was a bit scared.  more for the car than for us.  I eventually made Blake stop in the middle of the washed out dirt road on the incline and got Collin out to walk up the hill so Blake could focus on driving.  Collin was still distraught becuase Avind was still in the car.  :) Sweet boy.  But we made it up and Blake made it and it was all worth it.  The lake was gorgeous and Collin soon was in the freezing lake with his friend Alex having a marvelous time. He even said it was worth it, though he said several prayers on the way back and held my hand to feel safe.  
  • Yesterday we were watching the steward kids and we all walked down to mainstreet for the MSU homecoming parade.  It was super fun.  I loved being with the kids and doing something local and fun.  They loved it and got a nice supply of candy.  Even though it was cold and rainy, I loved it.
  • We also made it to the BHS football game on Friday night with the Jacksons.  It was fun to be out with the community and the school.  It was hard to keep the kids entertained, but it was fun.  We stayed until half time and then brought them home.  
What a month!  We took a lot of time to get things in order today at the house.  It is not there yet, but it is coming along.  I love when it starts to really feel like home.  


  1. I love the updates! We are thinking about you guys. So you are subbing in a high school biology class? It sounds kind of long-term? And Blake is writing a book? And is he going to school too? And maybe I missed something but I am confused about how you ended up in Montana -- was that always the plan? I know you don't have much time, but I am so curious about what's happening so when you get a spare minute (ha! -- whatever that is, right?) I'd love to hear about you grown-ups.

  2. Hello friend! I have been meaning to write down our epic tale. :) I supposed maybe I will need to do it in segments so I can get it done and not feel like it will take too long. :)
