Saturday, March 29, 2014

I love date night!

Last week I told Blake that I needed him to do something for me.  I asked him to plan a date for us.  And that meant the whole thing, including getting a babysitter.  I have subtly asked before but life gets busy for him and I tend to then just go ahead and figure it out.  But this time I just decided I was going to hold him to it.  And you know what?  My husband is awesome!  And he pulled through.  Last night we got to go on a date that I did not plan.  Happiness! And to add to that happiness is the fact that our date was Korean Food.  You just cannot go wrong with that option.  Mmmmmmm.  I love it.  We also got to spend time with our good friends the Allsbrooks and Glenn took us to a restaurant we hadn't been to yet.  I am absolutely certain I ate the most food. 

I am soooooooo glad we went out because the day yesterday was hectic!  I decided to take Avind in to the pediatrician for his never-ending cough and for his burn blisters.  I debated but I needed some peace of mind.  Plus I didn't want the problems to worsen on the weekend and then have to go to urgent care instead of our reg. dr.  The kids did pretty well.  Avind got prescribed his first antibiotics and an ointment for his burns.  Then the real fun began. 

Walmart.  Oh, many tears have been spilled in that place.  Usually mine.  I know I must be the picture perfect of frazzled as I tear through that place with my overflowing cart and two kiddos.  I get the looks.  If you are a mom, you know what I mean.  From the old people it is the, "Oh bless your heart.  You DO have your hands full." From the middle aged it's, "Hang in there! You can do this Momma. I actually enjoy my shopping now."  From my age, "sooooooooo glad it is not me this time" (at least that is what I think when I see other moms struggling with the screaming, hyperventilating child) and the young ones, "Why can't she control her kids? Seriously, why did she even come out?"  No, actually it wasn't TOO bad yesterday.  But it was Avind's nap time and sitting in the cart is no longer a fun thing to him.  So he cried a lot.  Luckily, my boys are cute and have amazing eyes that can captivate even the gruffest sort.  We charm quite a few people in our shopping journyings.  I did have an overflowing cart though. I usually do at Walmart.  I keep that place in business.  I will say that the cashier and workers there were fantastic.  They offered to grab a second cart and spoke kindly to me and even offered to help me load the bags in the cart and carry them to the car and unload.  Bless them!  I know that several months ago with a new baby and preschooler and two carts when I asked if someone could help me out the crochety lady said, "Walmart stopped doing that in the 90's" Nice.  Come one now.  No exceptions for an exhausted new mother.  I will be going to the Hickory store from now on, even if it takes an extra 10 minutes to get there. 

Collin's first soccer game was canceled today due to the rain.  He was pretty bummed about that.  But we went on a family run and later he and daddy went swimming at the Y.  We had a new family over for dinner that we met at soccer last week.  I could see in the mom's eyes when I met her that she needs some help.  She has a  5 month old and I just see the look.  The burned out one that is crying out for someone to talk to.  I really enjoy helping.  Because I have felt that desperation.  And I have had people reach out to me when I needed it.  So, we had them over and go along quite well.  We have plans to get together again soon.  I am trying to get her to come to spin on Monday with me.  We shall see if I am successful. 

I turned on the General Women's Broadcast at home tonight and I am glad I stayed here.  I tidied up our home as I listened to the encouragement.  I just kept having this thought about the amazing potential we have as women.  We are powerful in so many ways.  In my mind I could see it like a seed.  All the power to become a large and beautiful contributing tree is in that little seed.  Just like us.  I just need to tap into that divine power and grow.  :) It was a beautiful meeting. 

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